About Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese Medicine
In continuous use for 3500 years the traditional medicine of China includes acupuncture, herbal remedies, massage and the proper selection of diet and lifestyle to form a complete health care system. Whether these methods are used alone or in combination, TCM emphasizes not only the restoration and maintenance of health, but the prevention of disease.
Acupuncture and the skilled prescription of herbal medicine can alleviate pain, illness, anxiety, depression, relieve stress and strengthen your immune system in order to prevent disease and promote health. Call 608-231-1001 for your Free Consultation!
In order to make a diagnosis your practitioner will compile a complete history which includes listening to you, observations and examination of your tongue and pulse. All of this information is gathered and woven together in order to understand the pattern of disharmony. This holistic approach results in a treatment plan specifically designed to meet you needs for a positive outcome to your health concerns.
Acupuncture - What to Expect
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific anatomical points. Sterile disposable needles are used to protect against contamination and transmission of disease. Once a needle is inserted you may feel tingling or perhaps a light pressure. The needles are left in place for a period of time during which patients typically experience deep relaxation. Following a treatment session, most people feel revitalized both mentally and physically.
Acupuncture - How it Works
In recent years the workings of acupuncture have become well understood. We still feel that the concepts written in the Nei Jing, the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal medicine, from 3500 years ago are valid. That said, the field of neurophysiology has clearly mapped out the neurological and electromagnetic mechanisms of how acupuncture works from the perspective of up-to-date science. We now understand the mechanism of acupuncture very clearly in terms of endorphins and their reaction from long strand muscle fiber stimulation derived from the tiny needles. The Function MRI has also been a valuable tool for scientists to map out acupuncture's effects on specific areas of the brain.
Chinese Herbs
I frequently include Chinese herbal medicines as addition to acupuncture treatments in order to achieve the best possible results. Patients are prescribed one or several herbal formulas for their particular condition. The formula may be in the form of pills, capsules or powder.
In comparison to most Western pharmaceutical drugs which tend to treat a particular symptom by blocking or substituting a normal process of the body. Chinese herbal remedies are designed to restore balance between body systems and to promote harmony of all processes.
Course of Treatment
Each person's physical constitution differs as does the duration and severity of the individuals complaint. Therefore, it is difficult to generalize in regard to the number and frequency of treatments which will be required. A course of treatment frequently involves ten sessions, though chronic conditions may require more. Often only one to four treatments will significantly improve a patients condition.
Conditions Effectively Treated:
Specific conditions which are most often helped by acupuncture include, but are not limited to the following:
•pain: acute or chronic back, neck shoulder, elbow or knee pain, tendinitis, sports injuries, arthritis
•anxiety, depression, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, poor circulation
•menstrual problems including pre-menstrual syndrome, irregular cycles, menopausal syndrome, infertility
•asthma, allergies, skin diseases, common cold an flu
•indigestion, GERD, constipation diarrhea
•low energy, fatigue, immune system disorders
•migraines, headaches, trigeminal neuralgia
•addictions: smoking/food/drugs
•support for conditions that may result from long term prescription drug use such as thyroid, asthma and other conditions.